Spring Cloud Data Flow Tips & Tricks: Interacting with the Shell

Engineering | Eric Bottard | August 29, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the Data Flow team, I am pleased to introduce you to the first of a hopefully long series of posts highlighting features of Data Flow and related projects.

We’ll start gently with a short video discussing the Data Flow shell and some of its features (some of them coming directly from the Spring Shell project) by yours truly.

Topics include:

  • TAB completion

  • Keyboard shortcuts

  • Quotes handling in Spring Shell

  • Quotes handling in Data Flow DSL

The reference documentation section mentioned in the video can be found here, while reference on the general Data Flow DSL is here

Introducing Actuator Endpoints in Spring Boot 2.0

Engineering | Stéphane Nicoll | August 22, 2017 | ...

Spring Boot 2 brings important changes to Actuator and I am pleased, on behalf of the team, to give you a sneak peek to what’s coming in 2.0.0.M4.

Working on a major new release gives us the opportunity to revisit some of the public contracts and improve them. We quickly felt that the endpoint infrastructure was one of them: currently, the web endpoints in the Actuator are only supported with Spring MVC (no JAX-RS support). Also, creating a new endpoint that exposes several operations requires writing quite a lot of boiler plate: you need to write a main endpoint, the Spring MVC extension (as a @RestController), a JMX MBean and the necessary auto-configuration. As of Spring Boot 2 support for a "reactive" actuator became an obvious requirement that also brings…

This Week in Spring - August 22nd, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | August 22, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring. Can you believe we're already nearing the end of August?? Time sure flies!

Last week and over the weekend I was in Hangzhou, China visiting with Alibaba, talking to a few of the teams using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud at China-scale.

This week I'm in Shanghai, China, where I've been talking to customers and spending a few days with the teams at Microsoft China who are working on the Spring Boot and Pivotal Cloud Foundry integrations for Microsoft Azure. They're doing some amazing work and it's been an honor to hang out with them. Check out all the cool Spring Boot starters that they've built for the various Azure services

This Week in Spring - August 15th, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | August 15, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been a busy week! I started last week talking to a group of developers in North Carolina, then gave a VJUG presentation with Matt Raible in San Francisco, then spoke to developers in Saint Louis, then flew to New York City to shoot a video on continuous delivery for three days in a hot studio (over the weekend no less!) and now as I wing back to San Francisco I look forward to spending a blissful 14 hours on the ground before I'm off to Asia (Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Singapore) for about…

This Week in Spring - August 8th, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | August 08, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm presenting with my buddy Matt Raible on the VJUG (Virtual JUG) on Progressive Web Applications with Spring Boot and Angular 4, this Wednesday. Join us! Then it's off to New York City, NY where I'll be working with my buddy Marcin Grzejszczak on an exciting new project.

  • Spring IO Platform lead Andy Wilkinson just announced Spring IO Platform Brussels-SR4. This release revises the versions for Spring Batch 3.0.8, Spring Boot 1.5.6, Spring Data Ingalls SR6, Spring Framework 4.3.10, Spring Integration 4.3.11, and Spring Retry 1.2.1.
  • The first milestone of Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.3.0 is out! Lots of nice new features including a flashy new user interface based on Angular 4, better documentation, better test coverage, and so much more.
  • Spring Cloud Pipelines lead Marcin Grzejszczak just announced Spring Cloud Pipelines 1.0.0.M6. This release supports a powerful mechanism called pipeline descriptors

Spring Framework 5 Kotlin APIs, the functional way

Engineering | Sébastien Deleuze | August 01, 2017 | ...

Update: see also Spring Fu experimental project.

Since our original announcement (very well received by the community!) of official Kotlin support in Spring Framework 5, we have continued to work towards even stronger Kotlin support in conjunction with recent refinements in Spring WebFlux.

In order to demonstrate these features, and how they could be used together, I have created a new spring-kotlin-functional demo application which is a standalone Spring WebFlux application, developed in Kotlin, with Mustache template rendering, JSON REST webservices and Server-Sent Events streaming…

This Week in Spring - August 1st, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | August 01, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Nashville, TN, for a meetup presentation on Reactive Spring and then it's off to Kansas City, KS for a replay of the same talk. Both times I'll be joined by pal Mark Heckler. If you're in either of those cities, don't miss this!

I'm working on the next installments of Spring Tips: what would you like to see covered? Let me know on Twitter on @SpringTipsLive.

This week we have a truly massive good many things to look at so let's get started!

Spring Session Data Geode/GemFire 2.0.0.M1 now available.

Engineering | John Blum | July 27, 2017 | ...

Greetings Spring Community!

It is my pleasure to announce the first milestone release of both Spring Session Data Geode for Apache Geode and Spring Session Session Data GemFire for Pivotal GemFire.

Both artifacts can be downloaded from Spring’s libs-milestone Repository using Maven …​


Or with Gradle…​

  compile 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-data-geode:2.0.0.M1'

To use Spring Session with Pivotal GemFire, just switch the artifact from spring-session-data-geode to spring-session-data-gemfire

Spring Session MongoDB 2.0.0.M2 released

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | July 27, 2017 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

Spring Session MongoDB 2.0.0.M2 is released. It is based on:

  • Spring Session 2.0.0.M3

  • Spring Data Kay-RC2

  • Reactor Bismuth-M3

  • Spring 5.0.0.RC3

This is the first milestone with Reactor support, making it usable with Spring WebFlux.

In the meantime, you can get the bits today if you visit the project site, get the coordinates, and include the version number in your Spring Boot application.

Project Site | Reference | Help

Spring Data Ingalls SR5 released

Engineering | Christoph Strobl | July 25, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team, I’d like to announce the availability of Ingalls SR5 release.
It ships with over 40 issues fixed in total and is therefore a recommended upgrade for all users. For your convenience the service release is going to be picked up by the upcoming Spring Boot 1.5.5.

The complete list of issues fixed can be found here.

Spring Data Ingalls SR5

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