This Week in Spring - September 4th, 2018
Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! If you're in the US, I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. I certainly did, gorging on the San Francisco sun and preparing for my O'Reilly online training for tomorrow, Bootiful Kotlin. I'm also busily preparing for the epic SpringOne Tour event in Istanbul, Turkey, customer visits in Atlanta, GA, and of course the epic tentpole SpringOne Platform event coming up later this month in Washington DC. If you're around, I sure hope to see you!
Well, let's get to it!
- In this fifth installment of my series looking at Spring Cloud GCP for Google Cloud, I introduce Google Cloud's support for runtime configuration and how to use it for Spring Cloud applications.
- Spring Data for Apache Geode John Blum has just announced that Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire 1.0.0.M2!
- Spring Data for Apache Geode lead John Blum also just announced Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.0.5 and 2.1.0.M1
- Spring Security ninja Josh Cummings just announced the auto-configuration for Spring Security OAuth2 Boot Auto-config, 2.0.4 & 2.1.0.M2.
- Vick Kelkar has a nice post on …