Spring Initializr updates

Engineering | Damien Vitrac | March 21, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring Initializr has been updated and is now available on start.spring.io.

UI changes - listening to your feedback

Following the last revision, the main feedback we received was about the missing list of dependencies. Some community members seemed to be looking at this list for information purposes (not necessarily using the website to generate a new app), while others would just like to see what's available.

While start.spring.io seems like a very simple service, generating applications with a simple HTML…

A Bootiful Podcast: CQRS with AxonIQ's Steven van Beelen and Pivotal's Ben Wilcock

Engineering | Josh Long | March 21, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! In this week's installment Josh Long talks to AxonIQ's Steven van Beelen, lead of the Axon project, and Pivotal's Ben Wilcock, on CQRS, event-sourcing, event-storming, microservices, Spring Boot and the long camaraderie shared by Axon and Spring.

Announcing the first milestone of Spring Cloud Function - 2.1.0.M1

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | March 20, 2019 | ...

We are pleased to announce first milestone of the Spring Cloud Function - 2.1.0.M1.

Individual modules of Spring Cloud Function 2.1.0.M1 are available for use in the Spring Milestone repository. This release encompasses the following:

  • Some of the features that has always been available in bean factory based function catalog are now part of the functional form (see Dave Syer's blog for more details on functional form) :
    • Multiple endpoint support - ability to map multiple HTTP endpoints the same way one would expect in conventional context configuration.
    • Function composition - ability to compose function (e.g., foo|bar or foo,bar).
  • Ability to communicate and retain meta-information via Message headers for cases where Message function is composed with non-Message (e.g., Function<Message<?>>, Message<?>> is composed with Function<?, ?>

This Week in Spring - March 19th, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | March 19, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! What a wild and wonderful week of Spring it's been! This week I'm in London, UK for the epic SpringOne Tour event and customer visits, then I'm off to Vienna, Austria and then I'm off to Amsterdam, NL for the SpringOne Tour event there. If you're in any of these places please say hi!

A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Security engineer and OAuth slayer Joe Grandja

Engineering | Josh Long | March 15, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of a Bootiful Podcast! This week Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Joe Grandja (@joegrandja) who, not coincidentally, just celebrated his third anniversary working on the Spring team! Joe has been instrumental in building Spring Security 5.x and its OAuth client and resource-server support.

Joe's team page Joe on Twitter Joe just celebrated his third year on the team!

Lazy Initialization in Spring Boot 2.2

Engineering | Andy Wilkinson | March 14, 2019 | ...

The recently announced first milestone of Spring Boot 2.2 introduces support for lazy initialization. This post describes the new functionality and explains how and when to enable it.

What Does it Mean to be Lazy?

Spring Framework has had support for lazy bean initialization since before its source code moved to Git 11 years ago. By default, when an application context is being refreshed, every bean in the context is created and its dependencies are injected. By contrast, when a bean definition is configured to be initialized lazily it will not be created and its dependencies will not be…

This Week in Spring - March 12th, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | March 13, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! What a week! I'm in Seattle, Washington where I've been spending time with Pivotal partner Microsoft talking about all things Spring, Cloud Foundry and Azure, and then tonight I spoke at the Seattle Java User Group on Reactive Spring.

Tomorrow morning I'm off to jolie Montreal, Canada for the epic ConFoo conference. Are you going to be around? Say hi!.

Anyway, without further ado let's get to this week's roundup!

Memory footprint of the JVM

Engineering | Andy Wilkinson | March 11, 2019 | ...

The JVM can be a complex beast. Thankfully, much of that complexity is under the hood, and we as application developers and deployers often don't have to worry about it too much. With the rise of container-based deployment strategies, one area of complexity that needs some attention is the JVM's memory footprint.

Two kinds of memory

The JVM divides its memory into two main categories: heap memory and non-heap memory. Heap memory is the part with which people are typically the most familiar. It's where objects that are created by the application are stored. They remain there until they are no…

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