This Week in Spring - May 27th, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | May 27, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! And what a week it will be! I'm in Venice, Italy, on a little vacation, but tomorrow I begin a quick journey to beautiful Sofia, Bulgaria, where I'll be speaking at the amazing JPrime software show (it's my first time speaking there, though not even my 20th time speaking in Bulgaria!). I'm so looking forward to it.

Then, I turn right back around and head to Barcelona, Spain, for the not-to-be-missed Spring IO event! I love Spring IO, and you should too! It is, in my estimation, the premier Spring event in EMEA and an amazing opportunity to learn about the latest and greatest in the wide and wonderful world of Springdom. Will you be there? I hope so!

As always, it's that time of year when we have a ton of new releases leading up to and including the latest Spring Boot installment, Spring Boot 3.3, which just dropped a few days ago! It has a ton of exciting features, including:

  • Jersey observability
  • Flyway 10
  • Infinispan 15
  • CDS support
  • Observability improvements: for example, support for Micrometer's @SpanTag, a process InfoContributor, and Prometheus 1.x support
  • Spring Security improvements
  • Virtual threads-aware WebSocket support
  • Base64 resources
  • SBOM Actuator Endpoint
  • Bitnami container images
  • Service connections for LDAP, ActiveMQ, Artemis
  • Embedded web server SSL with SNI
  • Much improved documentation!
  • A ton of new dependency upgrades

For more, obviously, feel free to check the release notes.

Of note, of course, is that Spring Boot 3.1 and earlier are now no longer under open-source support, so be sure to upgrade!.

I feel like this super cute dog that my partner Tammie found in Sicily must feel: happy to be in the mix!

So, as you can imagine, we've got a ton of things to get into, so let's dive right into it! It all just makes me so happy!

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