Spring Data 2023.1.0-M3 released

Releases | Mark Paluch | September 15, 2023 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m pleased to announce the third Spring Data milestone release 2023.1.0-M3.

The most notable features of this release are:

New Features

  • Migrate Documentation to Antora
  • Support for Postgres UUID arrays through Spring Data JDBC. Also, refined conversion support for Single Query Loading
  • Add suport for Mongo's replaceOne operation
  • Refinements to Lazy and PersistentEntity mapping metadata

What's next

Check out our Release Notes page for details about the specific features shipped so far.

The third Spring Boot 3.2 milestone will be released next week. This is a good opportunity to test existing applications with it and report any wrinkle in the upgrade process.

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