The 2022 State of Spring Survey Report

Engineering | Josh Long | February 03, 2023 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! You're awesome! I know you're awesome. You know you're awesome. And the Spring team works for you. We like working for you because you dream awesome dreams and build awesome things. And we can't work effectively with and for you if we don't know where everyone stands.

Every year we put out the State of Spring survey, with respondents hailing from around the world and from organizations of every size and stripe. This year's results are even more interesting and exciting than the last! (You might even say they're awesome.)

The report has four sections:

  • modern architecture in full flower
  • new tech gaining ground
  • upgrade and flourish
  • and "Spring"-ing up to speed

The report breaks down so many interesting questions, like:

  • what architectures are people using Spring with
  • are people happy with Spring? And why or why not? (The answer surprised us! We were hoping for a warmer recept... Hah ! I'm just kidding! Of course, people love Spring! But do read on for the details...)
  • what style of APIs are people building?
  • what are the most popular Spring modules?
  • what is the community's sense of white-hot popular, new opportunities like Project Loom, GraalVM, and Kotlin?
  • how do people learn Spring?

The report addresses myriad other questions, too. I won't spoil it for you.

That's not true. I'm totally going to spoil one thing: there are many well-known ways to learn Spring, but one of the most promising new approaches is the new Spring Academy, which I hope you'll check out.

So, here's the report. And, once you've read that, you might be interested in some extra analysis of the report by various members of the Spring team, including yours truly.

Finally: thank you, Spring fans!

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