Spring Web Services 4.0.0 is now GA

Releases | Greg L. Turnquist | November 21, 2022 | ...

Greetings Spring community,

The Spring Web Services team has released 4.0.0 for general availability. This is the version of Spring WS you’ll need if you are building SOAP-based applications with Spring Boot 3.0.

4.0.x is the generation of Spring Web Services that works with Jakarta EE 9+, the version where the enterprise specs (JAX-WS, etc.) migrate from javax. to jakarta. package prefixes. Check out Juergen Holler’s blog post for more details about Spring Framework 6.0.

Being based upon Spring Framework 6.0, this is also the generation of Spring Web Services that is rebased on top of Java 17 (LTS). So check it out!

For more details, check out our official GitHub release. This includes links to all the related tickets as well as the source code.

We have also adopted GitHub releases as our avenue for tracking changes in a given release. All current and prior releases of Spring WS are now captured in the list of releases on GitHub. Feel free to check them out.

The artifacts are hosted on Maven Central so grab 'em while they’re hot!

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