Spring Data R2DBC goes GA

Releases | Mark Paluch | December 06, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone that contributed, I am delighted to announce that Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 is generally available from repo.spring.io as well as Maven Central!

Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 is a non-blocking database client library for the just released R2DBC specification that lets you build reactive applications that use SQL databases. The most notable features of Spring Data R2DBC are:

  • Functional-reactive declaration of data access
  • Fluent API
  • Support for Transactions
  • Named parameter support (Dialect-aware)
  • Repositories
  • Kotlin Coroutines extensions

Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 requires JDK 8 or higher and any R2DBC driver. Head over to start.spring.io and add R2DBC to configure your dependencies or, if you're already using the Spring Boot R2DBC starter, upgrade your spring-boot-bom-r2dbc to 0.1.0.M3.

Check out our byte-sized Getting Started Guide that explains how to access data with R2DBC.

To round things off, here are links to the changelog, GitHub repository, and docs:

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