Explore the project on start.spring.io

Releases | Damien Vitrac | July 04, 2019 | ...

Introducing the new feature on start.spring.io: Explore the project. With this, you can now take a peek at the generated project files without having to actually download it, unzip it, etc.

A lot of developers requested this feature, because they'd like to compare with another project, or upgrade an existing application. We'd like to explore those possibilities more in the future, so send your feedback our way!

Explore the project:

  • Depending on the project, the pom.xml / build.gradle / build.gradle.kts will be shown by default
  • Highlighting code (1), preview markdown
  • Copy and download a file

(1) Supported: Javascript, Markdown, Kotlin, Gradle, Gitignore, Java, XML, Properties, Groovy

Note that this first version of the feature is not always mobile friendly and that we're collecting feedback as a first step.

We appreciate everyone's help and feedback as we continue learning and iterating on the site and the initializr library.

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