Spring Cloud Task 2.2.0.M1 is now available

Releases | Glenn Renfro | April 16, 2019 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Cloud Task 2.2.0.M1 is now available on Github and the Pivotal download repository. Many thanks to all of those who contributed to this release.

What’s New?

Spring Cloud Task 2.2.0.M1 is intended to be the version of the framework aligned with Spring Boot 2.2.0. Updates from 2.0.x include:

  • Update all dependencies.
  • Spring Cloud Task compiles and runs on Java 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
  • Spring Cloud Task Reference documentation has been modernized.
  • Bug Fixes

What Else Is Going On?

Beyond the basics to keep Spring Cloud Task up to date with the rest of the ecosystem, we are also working with the Spring Cloud Data Flow team to enhance the overall experience of running tasks with Data Flow. This includes things like documentation that is coming as well as the multi platform support that was released in Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.0.

What Do You Think?

We look forward to your feedback on these new features in Github, StackOverflow, Gitter, or directly via Twitter to @michaelminella or @cppwfs!

Spring Cloud Task Home | Source on GitHub | Reference Documentation

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