Spring Cloud Stream Chelsea goes GA!

Releases | Marius Bogoevici | April 13, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am happy to announce the general availability of the Spring Cloud Stream Chelsea release train. For this release train, the first general availability release is Chelsea.SR1, which fixes a number of issues over Chelsea.RELEASE (all within the scope of the metrics export feature). Chelsea.SR1 is also included as part of Spring Cloud Dalston.RELEASE.

The new release is available in Maven Central, and a detailed description of its features can be found in the reference documentation. For information about artifacts and most recent changes, please consult the release notes, as follows:

What is new?

The new release contains a number of fixes and improvements over the previous release candidate. As a reminder, here are a few highlights of features added by previous releases (with links to the original announcements).

What is next:

After the release, we will continue to expand the Spring Cloud Stream ecosystem:

  • Improving the error handling support in the binder, as well as providing a user-friendly API for recovery and error handling

  • Milestone (1.0.0.M1) release for the JMS binder

  • Preview of Kafka Streams support based on the newly added support in Spring Kafka

  • Focus on binders based on cloud infrastructure such as Google Pub Sub and Kinesis

  • Preview of Reactive Streams binder support


I would like to thank all community members for their help on getting this over the finish line. Your involvement and help is invaluable! In particular, I would like to extend special thanks to the community members that have contributed to the fixes we made after Chelsea.RC by opening issues or providing patches:

As always, you can stay in touch with us either in GitHub, on Stack Overflow, on Gitter, or on Twitter (hashtag #Stream or #SpringCloudStream).

If you are interested to learn more about building cloud-native microservices with Spring Cloud, Kafka and Kafka Streams, come to my talk at the Kafka Summit New York on May 8!

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