SpringOne Platform 2016 Replay: Spring Cloud with Consul and Vault

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 10, 2017 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speaker: Spencer Gibb Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-cloud-with-consul-and-vault

Historically it is difficult to store and configure secrets within applications. In the new age of microservices, it is also a challenge to register instances for discovery. Fortunately, Consul and Vault make securing secrets a breeze. Consul's Service Registration mechanism makes easy work of service discovery. When combined with Spring Boot's auto configuration we can leverage Consul and Vault by simply updating our classpath.

In this session we will discuss how to integrate Spring Boot applications with Consul and Vault for Service Discovery, Configuration, Secrets, Event Bus and more. We will show how Spring implements various api's using Consul and Vault including: Spring Cloud Discovery, Spring Environment & Spring Cloud Stream. Come ready to integrate your enterprise applications with Consul and Vault.

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