Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry 1.0.0.M3 released

Releases | Eric Bottard | June 21, 2016 | ...

I am pleased to announce the 1.0.0.M3 release of Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry, a team effort that encompasses many new features under the hood:

This third milestone builds upon the recent RC1 release of Spring Cloud Data Flow and also adds Cloud Foundry specific refinements. Some highlights include:

  • Alignment with Cloud Foundry’s global environment properties such as ORG, API, and URL as opposed to previous naming variants

  • Adds security integration to authenticate against OAUTH backend server that’s compatible with Cloud Foundry

  • Publishes security configurations for easier overrides when connecting to OAUTH backend server that’s compatible with Cloud Foundry

  • Preliminary iterations on performance testing on Cloud Foundry with and without taps’s in real-time streaming pipeline

  • Builds upon feature-toggle support from Spring Cloud Data Flow’s core project to conditionally refine what features get included in each release

A great way to start using this new release by yourself is to follow this section of the reference documentation.

For a complete list of changes and improvements, please refer to the 1.0.0.M3 release as well as the Cloud Foundry deployer release details.

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