Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This last week was a bit crazy, though after a long restful weekend there's a lot of intersting content to invigorate us for the week ahead. I'll be speaking at a meetup on the 16th June, for those near Amsterdam that'd care to join us! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get into it.
- Remember, the goal of microservices is, ultimately, to go faster and to get to production. To do continuous delivery. A huge part of that has to be moving code from integration and testing to production, automatically, and ideally with no downtime. I'd recommend this excellent blog by Spring Cloud team member Marcin Grzejszczak on zero-dotime deployments with a database. This is an excellent resource!
- speaking of micrservices and Spring, there's a neat introduction to doing microservices "Spring Boot way" (is there any other way? :D) on DZone by Santosh Singh
- want to learn more about Kotlin and Spring? Want to see why large organizations (like Netflix) are using Spring Cloud along with Kotlin? check our Spring team member Sébastien Deleuze's
project introducing some of the cavaets and workarounds, along with useful extensions.
- Spring RESTDocs lead Andy Wilkinson just announced Spring REST Docs 1.1.0 RELEASE. This release is packed with cool stuff including REST Assured integration, Markdown support, TestNG support, "reusable" and "relaxed" snippets, and so much more from the Spring REST Docs team and community. Get the bits and win.
- Spring Data ninja and Spring Stateflow lead Janne Valkealahti just announced that Spring Statemachine 1.1.0.RELEASE is available
- Spring REST Docs lead Andy Wilkinson, not a slouch, also just released Spring REST Docs 1.0.2, which includes lots of maintenace updates
- I'm really digging Jenkins 2.0 and it's making central the notion of a continuous delivery pipeline. Naturally, this new Blue Ocean theme revisits the interface conventions and makes things even better!
- Interesting blog on how to use the Spring Cloud bits in JHipster 3
- A critical component in building edge services is routing. In Cloud Foundry you have many options, you can use client-side load-balancing or build smarter routing heuristics and the edge and let that handle the routing with Cloud Foundry route services
- I dig this French language talk on microservices with Spring Cloud