Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, we're in beautiful Washington DC for the amazing SpringOne2GX 2015!
It's been an amazing event packed with amazing, pivotal moments that saw more than a thousand attendees - including engineers from some of the largest websites in the world - Rakuten, Alibaba, and Netflix, among others - join us here in Washington DC to learn and love what Pivotal is doing with and around Spring.
Here are some of my favorite moments:
- this year saw Pivotal take cloud-native further and faster than anyone and SpringOne2GX has been a huge celebration of this drive: GET CLOUD NATIVE.
- Spring framework lead and co-founder Juergen Hoeller announces Pivotal's crowdfunding support of JUnit during the first keynote.
- Some of you will recall that I had the utter privilege of giving Dr. Rod Johnson, the founder and father of Spring, his first in-depth Spring Boot and Spring Cloud walk throughs a few weeks ago. He loved it!
- So, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud co-founder Dr. Dave Syer and I were doubly pleased to have Rod accept an invitation at this year's SpringOne2GX - his first in five years - to say a few words about how Spring Boot and Spring Cloud connect and further his original vision for Spring before Dave and I spoke at our talk introducing Spring Cloud today at SpringOne2GX! This is my favorite photo, ever. THANK YOU, Dave and Rod.
- some of the Spring big-data dream team at SpringOne2GX: Sabby Anandan, Gary Russell, Mark Fisher, Dr. Mark Pollack, and Thomas Risberg!
Alright, without further ado! Let's get on to this week's roundup!