Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week the Spring team is at JavaOne! There's been, and will be, lots to see! We're also hanging out at the booth, talking to as many users as possible. Check out the link I just give listing all the cool Pivotal (and non-Pivotal) talks at JavaOne. (Ahem. Naturally, I personally would love it if you made my talk - Spring4TW! - tomorrow morning at 8:30am at Parc 55, Cyril Magnin II/III!).
In addition to IoT, Big Data, and Microservice demos using NetFlixOSS on Spring, students were doing the coding challenge to build a REST service with Spring Boot and pushed to Pivotal Web Services in < 15 minutes to get the preshavedyak hoodie from American Apparel, and learning about the best PaaS for Java available on the market today; Java 8 / Tomcat 8 support was released just days ago, and there is strong support for Spring, Groovy and Grails.
- I really liked Michael Plod's Why I Recommend Spring webinar, now available online as a replay
- Last week, Activiti BPMN2 engine co-founder Joram Barrez and I gave a talk on how to build process (read: workflow) centric Spring applications, also now available online.
- Tuesday, Oct 21st, 2014 join Matt Stine for microservice architecture series #2: Architecting for Continuous Delivery: Microservices with Pivotal CF and Spring Cloud
- Thursday, October 23, 2014, 2014 Building “Bootful” UIs with Spring Boot and Vaadin
- Tuesday, November 4, 2014 - microservice architecture series #3 - Join Dr. Dave Syer on Security for Microservices with Spring and OAuth2
- Missed microservice architecture #1? Catch the replay of Building "Bootiful" Microservices with Spring Boot on the Spring Developer Channel
- Spring Boot 1.1.7 is now available!
- Setup Spring Security with Active Directory LDAP in Spring Boot Web Application (I just got asked about this at the Spring BOF yesterday!)
- There's been an interesting debate on microservices recently. "Uncle" Bob Martin has written up a post claiming that
s and Ruby gem
s give you the same benefit of microservices. There's a great rebuttal (which I happen to agree with..) by Giorgio Sironi on his blog. There's even a nice wrapup of the whole discussion on InfoQ.
- I really dig Matt Stine's wind tunnel comparison of PaaSes. Up first: Heroku. I can't wait to see subsequent posts in the series!
- This post on using Spring Data Redis was published (and included in TWiS..) last year, but it came up again and I still thnk it's a worthy read
- The eHarmony blog has a nice post on how to setup Spring Batch Admin (the tricky parts..)
- In the you have to see it to beleive it department, did you know there's a Spring for Delphi (Spring4D) project? There are Spring-inspired C++, ColdFusion, JavaScript, .NET, Python, and numerous others. Cool to add this to the list.
- The Intertech blog has another installment on their epic Spring Integration tutorial. This one's on service activators - basically the Spring Integration escape-hatch so you can call regular Java objects.
- Benjamin Ball has a great writeup on using RabbitMQ and Spring
- Yashwant Chavan has a nice post on building a simple Spring Boot (with Spring MVC) example and editing it in Eclipse.
- Our pals at Codecentric are at it again! They've just released their first cut of their Spring Boot Admin. This looks like something that would fit nicely in the Spring Cloud project...
- This has to be one of the coolest Spring Boot presentations, ever! Careful, I don't recommend watching it full-screen if you get motion sickness! :)
- Are you stuck on Apache CXF but still want first-class security? This post looks at how to plugin Spring Security on top of CXF in minutes
- Biju Kunjummen did a nice job clarifying the differences between Spring's
and ApplicationContextInitializer