This Week in Spring - April 9th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | April 09, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. SpringSource CTO Adrian Colyer outlines the direction and momentum of SpringSource and the Spring projects under the Pivotal Initiative, a new company spun out of EMC comprised of - among other things - SpringSource, Cloud Foundry, and GreenPlum. This is definitely worth a read if you want to understand Spring's - ahem - Pivotal role in this new initiative!
    <LI> Spring Batch lead Michael Minella has <A href=""> announced that Spring Batch 2.2.0.RC1 is now available</a>.
    	The new release includes preliminary support for Spring Data, Java configuration support, non-identifying job parameters 
    	and numerous fixes and polishes. This release is amazing, and definitely worth a look. I, personally, <EM>love</EM> the Java configuration API that's
    	been surfaced. You don't need to write another Spring Batch XML file if you don't want to!

    Spring Mobile lead Roy Clarkson has announced that Spring Mobile 1.1.0.M3 has been released featuring simpler configuration when using a custom domain strategy with SiteSwitcherHandlerInterceptor, support for Kindle Fire device detection (as tablet or mobile depending on which mode they are in), several resolved issues and compatibility with Spring Framework 3.2.2.

     	<LI>New SpringOne2GX replays now available in HD on YouTube: <a href="">Virtualizing and Tuning Large Scale Java Applications, From Spring and Java to Spring and Akka</a></LI>
     	<LI>The HMK blog has a <EM>really</EM> nice post on how to use the <A href= "">Cujo.js</A>'s
    <A href="">
     <CODE>rest.js</CODE> and Spring MVC</a>. <EM>Very</EM> cool! 
    	The  <EM>JavaRevisited</EM> blog has  put together a 
    	<a href="">post on calling stored procedures from Spring</code> using the <CODE>StoredProcedure</CODE> template object. 
    	There are other ways to approach this same problem, including the <CODE>SimpleJdbcCall</CODE> object and simply using the 
    	<CODE>update(String, Object ... params) </CODE> method on <CODE>JdbcTemplate</CODE>. Check it out! 
    		 The <EM>Spring Java Tutorial</EM> blog<em> </em>has a nice post <A href="">on using  
    		 stored procedures with Spring</A>, and it <EM>also</EM> uses the same domain example - an <CODE>EmployeeDAO</CODE>. 
    		 They aren't exacty the same  - far from it - but it does seem like one heckuva coincadence! At any rate, more information's always good.
    	Spring provides various lifecycle callback methods, <A href="">which this <EM>JavaBeat</EM> blog looks at</a>.		</LI>
    	The <EM>Binary Beans</EM> blog has a post that <A href=""> simply links to some interesting, introductory videos</a> that we've published on
    	 <A href="">the SpringSourceDev YouTube Channel</A>.  If you're a regular reader of this round up then you've seen these videos before.
    	 But, it's a good 3 hours of introductory content and worth a look if you want a good getting started experience.
    	KH Yiu has put together a cool post <A href=""> introducing the concept of a factory pattern</a> (which you're no doubt already familiar with!) 
    	in application code, built with Spring. This is <EM>not</EM> about how Spring uses the factory pattern, and was kind of an interesting approach.
    	Nicely done!
    <LI> Daniel Wong put together a really cool blog illustrating how to <A href="">tie together Spring MVC with OpenCMS</a>! Definitely worth a look. </LI>
    	The <EM> 11th Hour</EM> blog put together a nice post on <a href="">how to use the Spring Expression Language with some examples</a>.
    	Wang Xiang's  put together a blog.. more like a series of snippets..  demonstrating how <A href="">to setup Jetty, a  <CODE>DataSource</CODE>, and Spring together</a>. 
    	The <EM>Java Code Geeks</EM> blog has an introductory post <A href="">on using Spring MVC with JSR 303 bean validation</A>. Check it out!

    Our pal Mark Serrano is back, this time with a review of Spring Security lead Rob Winch's book on Spring Security.

  2. Hippoom Zhou has put together a nice post introducing how to use
    mocks and stubs in Spring Integration tests. This is a very nice post, and definitely worth a look!

  3. <LI>
    	The awesomely named <EM>Raging Goblin</EM> blog has a nice post on how to do <A href="">role-based views using Spring Roo and Spring Security</a>. 
    	Peter Chng describes a scheme that can be used to <A href=""> auto-register custom converters used for data type conversion</A> in core Spring, Spring MVC, and Spring Integration, among other places. Pretty smart! 

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