Spring.NET Visual Studio 2010 Extension 1.0.0 is now available

Releases | sbohlen | April 07, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that the Spring.NET Visual Studio 2010 Extension 1.0.0 is now available.

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This release of the Spring.NET Visual Studio 2010 Extension provides Intellisense support in the following areas for editing Spring XML configuration files:

  • Type completion
  • Property name completion
  • Constructor argument name completion
  • Property value completion for property of type 'Type', 'Enum' and 'Boolean'

In addition, this release also provides for the following enhancements to the Visual Studio 2010 XML Editor experience:
  • Snippets integration (inline or by menu)
  • Quickinfo tooltip for properties and types

A brief screencast of this tool in action can be watched here.

This project is hosted at GitHub.

As always, we encourage feedback from the community on this and all aspects of Spring.NET!

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