SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Groovy.DSLs (from: beginner, to: expert)

News | Adam Fitzgerald | February 18, 2011 | ...

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Groovy DSLs
InfoQ has released another talk from SpringOne 2GX 2010, this one covers Groovy.DSLs (from: beginner, to: expert). In this presentation, Groovy experts Guillaume Laforge and Paul King give a detailed introduction and practical guide to using Groovy to create your domain specific languages.

Guillaume and Paul Mark provide:

  • A myriad of DSL examples from specialized computing requirements to general business tasks
  • Characteristics to keep in mind when creating your own DSL
  • Details about Groovy's DSL advantages including flexible and malleable syntax, runtime meta-programming, regular expression pre-processing as well as being a Java based runtime
  • Pitfalls and problems to avoid with concrete examples

Many thanks to InfoQ for covering SpringOne 2GX 2010 and providing this outstanding presentations to the community.

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