Spring Android 1.0.0.M2 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | February 09, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that the second milestone release of the Spring Android project is now available!

Spring Android supports usage of the Spring Framework in a Android environment. The 1.0.0.M2 release focuses on extending the use of RestTemplate in native Android applications:

  • We now use the HttpComponents HttpClient 4 by default for all REST calls, which is a native HTTP client on the Android platform. This replaces the use of the Commons HttpClient 3 from the first milestone.
  • We have added Object-to-XML marshaling support through the use of the Simple XML serialization library. Simple has a small footprint and is compatible with Android.
  • RSS and Atom Feeds are now supported through the Android Rome Feed Reader. Android Rome is a port of the popular Rome library that is compatible with Android.
  • Integration with the Jackson JSON Processor continues to provide first-class Object-to-JSON marshaling support.

Spring Android is available for download. If you are utilizing Maven with your Android project, simply add the following dependency:


    <name>Spring Maven Milestone Repository</name>

In addition to the reference guide, Roy Clarkson has authored two blog posts to help you get started developing Android applications:

A sample app with a README is available at github.com/SpringSource/spring-android-samples: git clone git://github.com/SpringSource/spring-android-samples.git

Work continues on the next Spring Android milestone, where we will we be integrating OAuth support for Android applications. If you're building native Android applications, we invite you to collaborate with us on the Spring Android project.

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