Spring Web Services 1.5.1 Released

Releases | Arjen Poutsma | May 04, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that Spring Web Services 1.5.1 has been released!

Downloads | Site | Changelog | Announcement

This is the first bug fix and enhancement release in the Spring-WS 1.5 series. It fixes all bugs reported since 1.5.0 and introduces various enhancements throughout the framework:

  • Introduced a Spring JMS MessageConverter that uses OXM marshallers
  • Introduced a Spring MVC View that uses OXM marshallers
  • Fixed WS-Security signatures when using WSS4J in combination with SAAJ messages
  • Support for timeouts on HTTP transports
  • Support for Castor 1.2, see note below
  • Airline sample now uses Spring Security

and more. Please see the changelog for details.

Please note that - due to a backwards compatibility issue - the CastorMarshaller now requires Castor 1.2 or higher.


Arjen Poutsma
Spring Web Services Lead

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