Spring Web Services 1.5.0 M1 released

Releases | Arjen Poutsma | December 08, 2007 | ...

Dear Spring community,
I'm pleased to announce that Spring Web Services 1.5.0 M1 has been released.

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This milestone release introduces:

  • JMS transport support, for both client- and server-side
  • Email transport support, also for both client and server
  • Two new Spring namespaces, which drastically decrease the amount of XML to configure marshallers and typical Spring-WS constructs
  • SOAP 1.2 Compatible WSDL descriptor generation
  • Spring-WS jars are now OSGi bundles

Additionally, there are other minor improvements and bug fixes.

Spring-WS 1.5.0 M1 is the first milestone in the 1.5 series, which - in addition to the aforementioned features - will include support for WS-Addressing, WS-Security for the client-side and Java 1.4, @Endpoint component scanning, and more.

For more information, see Spring Web Services.

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