Spring Framework 1.1.4 Released

Releases | Colin Sampaleanu | January 31, 2005 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Framework 1.1.4 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release in the 1.1 series.

        </span>Among the new

features are:

  • added LazyInitTargetSource, lazily accessing a singleton from a BeanFactory (lazily initializing on first call)
  • added ServiceLocatorFactoryBean, allowing to map custom service locator interface methods to BeanFactory.getBean calls
  • reworked ResourcePatternResolver to extend ResourceLoader, for ResourcePatternResolver checks in ResourceLoaderAware
  • made BindException serializable, provided that the contained target object is serializable
  • added LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy, for lazily fetching JDBC Connections with native JDBC or Hibernate transactions
  • added "Sybase-jConnect" to default sql-error-codes.xml file, for database product name "Adaptive Server Enterprise"
  • added overloaded "queryForList"/"queryForObject"/"queryForLong"/"queryForInt" methods with arg types to JdbcTemplate
  • added "alwaysUseNewSession" flag to HibernateTemplate, enforcing a new Session even in case of a pre-bound Session
  • HibernateTemplate proxies exposed Sessions by default, applying query cache settings and transaction timeouts
  • added "isConnectFailure(RemoteException)" hook to AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor, for customized failure checks
  • added "isConnectFailure(RemoteException)" hook to (Jndi)RmiClientInterceptor, for customized connect failure checks
  • added JaxRpcServicePostProcessor interface, intended for reusable custom type mappings etc for a JAX-RPC service
  • added "servicePostProcessors" property to LocalJaxRpcServiceFactory and subclasses (incl. JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean)
  • added "messageIdEnabled" and "messageTimestampEnabled" properties to JmsTemplate, to disable id/timestamp on producer
  • added "pubSubNoLocal" property to JmsTemplate, leading to the NoLocal flag being specified on MessageConsumer creation
  • added "receiveSelected" and "receivedSelectedAndConvert" methods to JmsTemplate, accepting JMS message selectors
  • added "schedulerListeners", "(global)JobListeners", "(global)TriggerListeners" bean properties to SchedulerFactoryBean
  • added "jobListenerNames"/"triggerListenerNames" property to JobDetailBean, CronTriggerBean, SimpleTriggerBean (resp.)
  • added ServletContextAttributeFactoryBean, exposing an existing ServletContext attribute for bean references
  • added ServletContextAttributeExporter, taking Spring-defined objects and exposing them as ServletContext attributes
  • added ServletContextPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, a subclass that falls back to web.xml context-param entries
  • added "publishEvents" init-param to FrameworkServlet, allowing to turn off the publishing of RequestHandledEvents
  • Spring JSP tags work outside DispatcherServlet too, falling back to root WebApplicationContext and JSTL/request locale

Please see the changelog for details.
Downloads are available through the SourceForge project page

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