Spring Framework 1.0.2 Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | June 02, 2004 | ...

We are pleased to announce the release of Spring Framework 1.0.2.

This release introduces a variety of enhancements throughout the framework, plus some minor bugs fixes.

Among the enhancements in this release are:

  • New "mock" source tree and "spring-mock" jar file, containing JNDI and Servlet API mocks for usage in applications 
  • CachedIntrospectionResults flushes the JavaBeans Introspector cache for proper garbage collection on shutdown
  • Added ObjectFactory interface and ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean, for non-intrusive creation of prototype beans
  • AbstractXmlApplicationContext uses PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver for Ant-style config location patterns
  • Added support for "xxx*" field patterns to BindException's "getFieldErrors" and "getFieldError" methods
  • QuartzJobBean applies SchedulerContext entries as bean properties, just like it also does for JobDataMap entries
  • Added UserCredentialsDataSourceAdapter, for transparently appying username and password to target DataSource calls
  • Added RowMapperResultReader, to be used instead of a custom RowCallbackHandler when mapping rows to objects
  • Added AbstractLobStreamingResultSetExtractor and AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback
  • Reworked "imagedb" sample app, with a redesigned implementation of the DefaultImageDatabase class
  • iBATIS SQL Maps 2.0 integration classes support per-SqlMapClient DataSource and lazy loading of paginated lists
  • DispatcherServlet detects ViewResolvers by type to allow for ViewResolver chaining (respecting order values)
  • added "doSubmitAction" template method to SimpleFormController, for submit actions without caring about ModelAndView
  • AbstractWizardFormController optionally supports "_page" request parameter, for proper handling of back button usage
  • Added support for "person.na*"/"person.address.*"-style field patterns to BindTag's "path" attribute
  • Added Struts DelegatingRequestProcessor and DelegatingTilesRequestProcessor as alternatives to DelegatingActionProxy
See the changelog for details. We have also refined our roadmap; see our JIRA for a rough plan of what's ahead.

The release can be downloaded here

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