Rob Harrop

Blog posts by Rob Harrop

Modular Web Applications with SpringSource Slices

Engineering | June 22, 2009 | ...

Updated: added sub module instructions for Git.

I've talked in the past about providing support for truly modular applications, and I'm pleased to announce that you can now access the early prototype code of SpringSource Slices.

Building and Installing

You can access the source code from our Git repository:

git clone git://
git submodule init
git submodule update

To build a packaged version of Slices simply run ant clean jar package from the build-slices directory:

cd slices/build-slices
ant clean jar package

This will result in a zip file in target/artifacts that contains the Slices subsystem which can then be installed on top of dm Server 2.0

Installing Slices is simply a matter of adding the new subsystem to dm Server and then updating dmServer's profile to start the new subsystem. Slices should work with any recent dm Server 2.0 snapshot build. Here I'm using 2.0.0.CI-R326-B274 which I've already downloaded and unzipped on my desktop:

 unzip target/artifacts/ -d ~/Desktop/springsource-dm-server-2.0.0.CI-R326-B274

Next, dm Server's configuration must be updated to include the new slices subsystem. Open your dm Server installation's config/ file, and edit the Profile Configuration section to list the slices subsystem and to give the profile a suitable name (I've called it slices):

# Profile Configuration

What the OSGi Web Container means for dm Server

Engineering | June 01, 2009 | ...

Following my previous entry many people have been asking about the impact that the move to the OSGi Web Container will have on dm Server. The most common questions being asked are:

  • What is being added?
  • What is staying the same?
  • What is changing?
  • How do I keep up to date?

I'll address each of these questions independently. If you have any more questions, please feel free to comment.

What is being added?

Integrating with the Web Container RI will give dm Server access to all the features of the OSGi Web Container standard. This includes a standard model for how WARs are handled, support for the webbundle URL scheme and support for the Web Container extender.

I'm exploring some nice value-added features for the RI including dynamic configuration using ConfigAdmin, a comprehensive MBean interface to introspect deployed web bundles and EventAdmin integration to monitor lifecycle events. All of these features will be added to dm Server as well as to the RI.

What is staying the same?

You'll be pleased to know that much of what you have learnt about web applications in dm Server remains the same.

Using the dm Server deployer

In addition to support for webbundle URLs, WAR files can still be deployed using the dm Server deployer. All paths into the deployer are supported including the pickup directory, deployer MBean and Admin Console.

When deploying using the dm Server deployer, WAR file dependencies will be automatically installed from the bundles available in the configured repository chain.

WAR deployment patterns

All the WAR types mentioned in the Programmer's Guide remain - in fact they are part of the Web Container standard.

System package imports

WARs deployed using dm Server will auto-import all the configured system packages even if this feature doesn't make it into the standard. If deploying using a webbundle URL you can trigger system package import using a URL parameter. I'm hopeful that the spec will include some standard behaviour in this area

What is changing?

We are aiming to keep the most features the same in dm Server, but the move to the Web Container does necessitate some changes. At the same time, we're taking advantage of the code rework to integrate some of the more popular feature requests we see from our users.

Web modules are being removed

The biggest change is the removal of web modules. Our preference is to support standards-based approaches, and now that we've been able to work with the OSGi Alliance to create a standards-based approach to web applications on OSGi, we are moving to it in preference to a dm Server-specific solution.

For those of you who are using web modules today, I'm really interested to hear what features you like the most and would be sad to lose. There is no reason why important web modules features cannot be reworked on top of Web Container web bundles.

Switch to Tomcat config format

In the 1.0.x line, the Tomcat instance embedded in dm Server is configured using the JSON configuration file format. Many of our users have requested that we switch back to using Tomcat's XML format. The Web Container RI uses the standard Tomcat format and when dm Server switches to the Web Container it will switch configuration file formats as well.

I'm still finalizing the exact details of where the configuration files will be stored. I'm hoping to be able to parameterize the Tomcat configuration file with placeholders that can be populated from ConfigAdmin

How do I keep up to date?

The easiest way to stay abreast of the progress is to track the SVN repos for the Web Container and for dm Server Web. You can access these repos at the URLs below:

I'll be blogging here regularly and you can follow progress on Twitter with #osgi and #dmserver.

Introduction to the OSGi Web Container

Engineering | May 27, 2009 | ...

Updated: added version control instructions for Git.

For the last few months I've been working with Subbarao Meduri, Graham Charters, Hal Hildebrand and others from the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group on the RFC66 Web Container specification. The Web Container specification defines how WAR files can be deployed on an OSGi service platform in a standard way.

This is extremely interesting for us, because dm Server has supported WAR files for nearly 18 months now and we are excited to be able to work towards a standard model. As an end user, you'll be able to deploy WAR files on OSGi without…

Announcing dm Server 2.0 M1

Engineering | April 02, 2009 | ...

Development work on dm Server 2.0 has been fully underway for some time now and I'm pleased to announce that the first milestone is available for download. Downloads are available from our home page. You can find more information about the features in this release and the coming release in my previous entry.

In this blog entry I'll outline:

  • what is new in 2.0 M1
  • building dm Server directly from SVN

We're using Scrum

For the development of the 2.0 release, the dm Server team have adopted Scrum. You can see our current sprint and release backlogs in our JIRA. As ever, the development of dm Server is driven by the requirements of our users. If you see an item on the…

SpringSource dm Server Roadmap

Engineering | April 01, 2009 | ...

We get a lot of questions from dm Server users about what to expect in the next few releases. In this blog entry, I will outline the main features that we have on our roadmap. We are following Scrum practices so you can expect to see reasonably frequent milestones as output from our sprints, and we are flexible in handling new requirements and changes in priorities.

Shared repositories

Shared repositories allow you to have a centralized location for managing the artifacts that are available to be installed in your dm Server instances. These shared repositories can then be added to a dm Server configuration at…

Announcing dm Server Getting Started Guide

Engineering | March 30, 2009 | ...

Over the past few months, the community has shown a great deal of interest in dm Server. The forums are very active and we always have stimulating discussions when presenting at conferences. We've noticed that a lot of the same questions come up as users start developing their first applications for dm Server, and so we've put together a Getting Started Guide to help get you up to speed much more quickly.

By reading the Getting Started Guide and studying the accompanying sample you'll learn best practices for :

  • installing the dm Server
  • setting up an effective development environment using the dm Server Eclipse tools
  • creating web modules for presentation logic
  • structuring your application with separate middle-tier and data access modules
  • creating and managing shared services such as Data Sources
  • creating unit and integration tests
  • building dm Server applications using Maven

The guide is available in HTML and PDF formats, and the full code for the sample application can be found here

Our plans for building OSGi applications

Engineering | March 18, 2009 | ...

In the recent days and weeks, we've seen an increasing amount of interest in the future of build solutions for applications made up of OSGi bundles. Due to our heavy involvement with OSGi, this is something that is near and dear to our hearts and we've spent a long time looking at customer requirements and solutions for those requirements. In this blog entry, I will outline the requirements that we have identified and present the solutions that we see to these requirements.

I'm very interested in hearing from anyone who has extra requirements, thinks the requirements we have are bogus or has…

Slides and Demos from SpringOne Americas 2008

Engineering | December 11, 2008 | ...

As promised to the attendees of my sessions, here is the content for my dm Server and concurrency sessions.

Introduction to dm Server

The slides and demo code for this presentation were attached to my previous entry: Getting Started with SpringSource dm Server.

While I was at the conference I met with David Winterfeldt from Spring by Example who pointed me at his great dm Server tutorial.

Advanced Concurrency

The slides for the Advanced Concurrency presentation can be found here and the demo code is here. Slides from last year's concurrency presentation can be found here.

Diagnosing OSGi uses conflicts

Engineering | November 22, 2008 | ...

In his recent blog entry, Glyn provided an introduction to the OSGi “uses” directive. In this blog, I want to dig a little deeper into the causes of uses constraint violations and present some tips for diagnosing uses problems in your applications.

For most of the examples I’m going to be using raw Equinox and not dm Server. The reason for this is that uses constraints are not specific to dm Server but are relevant to all OSGi users. At the end of this blog, I’ll demonstrate some of the smart constraint failure diagnostics built into dm Server.

Dependent Constraint Mismatch

The most common cause of uses violations is a mismatch between one or more of the dependent constraints. As an example of this consider the three manifests below:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: Spring Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: spring
Bundle-Version: 2.5.5
Export-Package: spring.orm.hibernate;version="2.5.5";uses:="eclipselink"
Import-Package: eclipselink;version="[1.0, 2.0)"

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: EclipseLink 1 Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: eclipselink
Bundle-Version: 1
Export-Package: eclipselink;version="1.0.0"

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: EclipseLink 2 Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: eclipselink
Bundle-Version: 2
Export-Package: eclipselink;version="2.0.0"

Here you can see a spring bundle and two eclipselink bundles. Obviously, these are not the real bundles. The spring bundle has an import for package eclipselink in the range [1.0, 2.0). Clearly, only the eclipselink_1 bundle can satisfy this constraint. Now, consider these manifests from two different applications:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: App1 Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: app1
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Import-Package: spring.orm.hibernate,eclipselink;version="[1.0, 1.0]"

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: App2 Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: app2
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Import-Package: spring.orm.hibernate,eclipselink;version="[2.0, 2.0]"

Here we can see that app1 imports eclipselink in range [1.0, 1.0] and app2 imports eclipselink in range [2.0, 2.0]. If I install these bundles into Equinox and then attempt to start the app bundles, the console shows something like this:

id      State       Bundle
0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.0.v20080605-1900
2       RESOLVED    spring_2.5.5
3       RESOLVED    eclipselink_1.0.0
4       RESOLVED    eclipselink_2.0.0
5       ACTIVE      app1_1.0.0
6       INSTALLED   app2_1.0.0

Here we can see that the spring and eclipselink bundles are all resolved. The app1 bundle has started, but the app2 bundle won’t start. To find out why we can use the diag command:

osgi> diag app2
file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/app2/bin [6]
  Package uses conflict: Import-Package: spring.orm.hibernate; version="0.0.0"

Here we can see that the app2 bundle can’t resolve because there is a package uses conflict for its import of spring.orm.hibernate. This means that the import in app2 for spring.orm.hibernate cannot be satisfied because one of its other imports conflicts with a uses constraint on the bundle that could supply spring.orm.hibernate - in this case the spring bundle.

The first step in diagnosing this is to find out the possible suppliers of the spring.orm.hibernate bundle. We know from our use case that the only possible supplier is the spring bundle, but if you don’t know the suppliers you can find them using the packages command:

osgi> packages spring.orm.hibernate
spring.orm.hibernate; version="2.5.5"<file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/spring/bin [2]>
  file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/app1/bin [5] imports

This shows us that the spring.orm.hibernate package is exported by bundle 2. With this knowledge we can find out which packages are listed in the uses directive for the spring.orm.hibernate package in bundle 2:

osgi> headers 2
Bundle headers:
 Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
 Bundle-Name = Spring Bundle
 Bundle-SymbolicName = spring
 Bundle-Version = 2.5.5
 Export-Package = spring.orm.hibernate;version="2.5.5";uses:="eclipselink"
 Import-Package = eclipselink;version="[1.0, 2.0)"
 Manifest-Version = 1.0

Here we can see that the only package in the uses is the eclipselink package so that must be the culprit. Indeed, we can see the Spring bundle requires eclipselink in the range [1.0, 2.0) whereas app2 requires eclipselink in range [2.0, 2.0] - these thwo ranges are disjoint, meaning that app2 cannot wire to the same version of eclipselink as the spring bundle.

In the case where the uses list is long, you can narrow down the possible violations by finding out which of the listed packages have more than one supplier. There must always be more than one supplier for you to see a uses constraint violation.

Version mismatch is not the only cause of dependent constraint mismatch. The constraints might not match because of attributes as well as version.

Install Order Problems

If we revisit the previous example and change the manifest of the spring bundle so that it can accept version 2.0 of the eclipselink package and relax the range on app1 so it can accept anything over 1.0 we should be able to fix the problem:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: Spring Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: spring
Bundle-Version: 2.5.5
Export-Package: spring.orm.hibernate;version="2.5.5";uses:="eclipselink"
Import-Package: eclipselink;version="[1.0, 2.0]"

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: App1 Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: app1
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Import-Package: spring.orm.hibernate,eclipselink;version="1.0"

Installing the bundles and starting the app bundles show that this change makes a big difference:

id      State       Bundle
0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.0.v20080605-1900
1       RESOLVED    spring_2.5.5
2       RESOLVED    eclipselink_1.0.0
3       RESOLVED    eclipselink_2.0.0
4       ACTIVE      app1_1.0.0
5       ACTIVE      app2_1.0.0

Now both app bundles can start. Unfortunately, there is a more subtle issue awaiting us. Depending on the installation order, this set of bundles might still fail to run together. To illustrate this, let’s install spring, eclipselink_1 and app1 as one transaction and start app1:

id      State       Bundle
0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.0.v20080605-1900
1       RESOLVED    spring_2.5.5
2       RESOLVED    eclipselink_1.0.0
3       ACTIVE      app1_1.0.0

Now, let’s install eclipselink_2 and app2:

id      State       Bundle
0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.0.v20080605-1900
1       RESOLVED    spring_2.5.5
2       RESOLVED    eclipselink_1.0.0
3       ACTIVE      app1_1.0.0
4       RESOLVED    eclipselink_2.0.0
5       INSTALLED   app2_1.0.0

The app2 bundle won’t start. The output from diag tells us why:

osgi> diag app2
file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/app2/bin [5]
  Package uses conflict: Import-Package: spring.orm.hibernate; version="0.0.0"

The uses constraint is back. Running through the diagnosis steps identified in the previous section won’t help here because there are no dependent constraint mismatches - we know that because the first time around these bundles resolved just fine.

The issue here is one of resolution order. The bundles were installed and resolved in two distinct chunks. The first chunk included spring, eclipselink_1 and app1, the second eclipselink_2 and app2. When the first chunk is resolved (as a result of starting the app1 bundle), the spring bundle gets wired to the eclipselink_1 bundle for its import of the eclipselink package. This can be confirmed using the console:

osgi> bundle app1
file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/app1/bin [3]
  Id=3, Status=ACTIVE      Data Root=/opt/springsource-dm-server-1.0.0.RELEASE/lib/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/3/data
  No registered services.
  No services in use.
  No exported packages
  Imported packages
    spring.orm.hibernate; version="2.5.5"<file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/spring/bin [1]>
    eclipselink; version="1.0.0"<file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/eclipselink1/bin [2]>
  No fragment bundles
  Named class space
    app1; bundle-version="1.0.0"[provided]
  No required bundles

Notice that the imported package section shows that eclipselink version 1.0.0 is imported from the eclipselink_1 bundle. When the second chunk is installed, the app2 bundle cannot resolve because it requires eclipselink at version 2.0.0 but spring is already wired to eclipselink at version 1.0.0. When all the bundles are installed and resolved as one chunk, the OSGi resolver will attempt to satisfy all constraints, including making sure that the uses constraint on spring.orm.hibernate can be satisfied.

To fix this problem we don’t need to change our bundles. Instead, we can either reinstall the bundles in one chunk or we can trigger a refresh against the spring bundle - effectively asking OSGi to rerun the resolution process. Now that the eclipselink_2 bundle is installed we can expect this to have a different outcome:

osgi> refresh spring

osgi> ss

Framework is launched.

id      State       Bundle
0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.0.v20080605-1900
1       RESOLVED    spring_2.5.5
2       RESOLVED    eclipselink_1.0.0
3       ACTIVE      app1_1.0.0
4       RESOLVED    eclipselink_2.0.0
5       ACTIVE      app2_1.0.0

osgi> bundle spring
file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/spring/bin [1]
  Id=1, Status=RESOLVED    Data Root=/opt/springsource-dm-server-1.0.0.RELEASE/lib/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/1/data
  No registered services.
  No services in use.
  Exported packages
    spring.orm.hibernate; version="2.5.5"[exported]
  Imported packages
    eclipselink; version="2.0.0"<file:/Users/robharrop/dev/resdiag/uses/eclipselink2/bin [4]>
  No fragment bundles
  Named class space
    spring; bundle-version="2.5.5"[provided]
  No required bundles

Notice that refreshing spring caused the app2 bundle to resolve. The wiring for the eclipselink package in the spring has changed to be satisfied by the export at version 2.0.0 from the eclipselink_2 bundle.

Uses constraints in dm Server

When you encounter a uses constraint violation in dm Server, we already attempt to perform some of the analysis steps for you, in particular identifying the possible dependent constraints that might be mismatched:

Could not satisfy constraints for bundle 'app2' at version '1.0.0'.
 Cannot resolve: app2
  Resolver report:
    Bundle: app2_1.0.0 - Uses Conflict: Import-Package: spring.orm.hibernate; version="0.0.0"
      Possible Supplier: spring_2.5.5 - Export-Package: spring.orm.hibernate; version="2.5.5"
        Possible Conflicts: eclipselink

Uses constraints are common in enterprise libraries, and manually diagnosing a failure can be a real nightmare. In particular, determining the possible conflicts can be extremely time-consuming when you have an exported package with 10 or more packages listed in its uses clause. For this reason, automated diagnosis is a must, and I hope to improve the diagnosis code in dm Server all the time so that dealing with common errors becomes trivial.

In the next release, we are planning to build diagnosis tools right into our dm Server Eclipse tools so that most of these problems will be automatically diagnosed by dm Server.

Getting started with SpringSource dm Server

Engineering | October 22, 2008 | ...

Updated 28-Oct-2008: Added up-to-date sample links and link to third sample

Last night I presented 'Introduction to SpringSource dm Server' at the Philadelphia Spring User's Group. During this presentation I created a small application called GreenPages, demonstrating all the major aspects of dm Server. I promised the attendees that I would post the application and the slides here.

In the last few weeks since the GA release of dm Server many people have been asking about the best way to get started with dm Server, so I'm using this entry to collect all the relevant information together…

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