Mark Baars

Mark Baars

Blog posts by Mark Baars

Spring Best Practices & Cloud Foundry Event in Bangalore

News | November 21, 2013 | ...

We are glad to announce that we will host a free conference about Spring and Cloud Foundry on Sunday November 24th at the office of SpringPeople in Bangalore, from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM.

You can register by clicking here, make sure to register in time since we have limited seats available for this free event.

The event sessions include:

  • Cloud Foundry: Using Spring to Deploy your Apps to the Cloud by Paul Chapman

Paul Chapman is a Senior Consultant within our Australian service delivery division, where he undertakes consulting, training and mentoring of our clients across Asia-Pacific. He…

Processing Big Data with Hadoop and Pivotal HD

Engineering | November 19, 2013 | ...

For 2014 Pivotal is launching a new training around Apache Hadoop and Pivotal HD. Pivotal HD Enterprise offers the capabilities of Apache Hadoop in a fully supported, enterprise-ready distribution. This new comprehensive training will provide competent Java Developers with the skills necessary to exploit the extended Capabilities of Pivotal HD, “The world’s most powerful Apache Hadoop distribution”. The training commences with a grounding in the relevant core technologies:

  • Big/Fast data, NoSQL, and their role in modern Business applications
  • Background on Hadoop and the significance of the Pivotal HD distribution
  • Introduction to GemFire and SQLFire, distributed cache technologies

Spring Time Training Discount for December Schedule

News | November 15, 2013 | ...

The final month of the year is coming and you might still have some training budget left to start the year 2014 off as a Spring master. To help you out we have made a discount available for all of our developers. Simply use the code springtime in the referral code field when registering for a Spring training* to get a 20% discount on the list price. Our full schedule for December is:

Core Spring

Australia & Asia

SpringSource Training Schedule: September 2013

News | August 09, 2013 | ...

If you are a Java developer looking to increase your Spring knowledge, Spring Training by Pivotal is the place to start. We are providing several Spring trainings across the globe closely connected to your needs as a professional developer. This month we provide the new 4-day Groovy & Grails class in Boston, MA. SpringSource has also started offering new Hibernate with Spring Classes in the Bay Area, Germany, London (GB) and the United States (Online Courses)

The complete Spring training schedule for September, 2013 can be found below:

Step 1: Core Spring


Asia Pacific

Europe, Middle East & Africa

Step 2: Spring Web / Enterprise Integration with Spring / Hibernate with Spring


Asia Pacific

Europe, Middle East & Africa

If you cannot find a professional training near you, you can always request an onsite SpringSource training

New SpringSource Tutorials available on Youtube

News | February 23, 2012 | ...

For developers who are interested in tutorials and eLearning we have launched three instructional videos on Youtube. These tutorials focus on Gemfire, Hyperic and tc Server.

Programming with Gemfire: An Introduction to Gemfire 6.5 teaches:

  • Gemfire: An Overview
  • Gemfire Topologies
  • Gemfire Architecture
  • Gemfire Installation
  • Cache Management

Click here to watch the Gemfire Tutorial

Hyperic Basics contains the following topics:

  • Features of Hyperic
  • Hyperic Architecture

Click here to watch the Hyperic Tutorial

vFabric tc Server Installation and Instances provides information on:

  • vFabric tc Server an Introduction
  • vFabric tc Server Architecture

Click here to watch the vFabric tc Server Tutorial

Save over € 350,- on Core Spring Amsterdam Registration

News | September 14, 2011 | ...

This week you can save € 367,50 on a Core Spring Registration in Amsterdam. Make sure to sign up before Wednesday and save 15% on the official Core Spring training and learn to:

  • Use the Spring Framework to develop Java applications
  • Use dependency injection to set up and configure applications
  • Test Spring-based applications
  • Set up Spring configuration using XML, annotations, and Java configuration
  • Use Hibernate and JDBC with Spring to access relational databases
  • Use Spring support for transactions
  • Use aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to add behavior to objects
  • and much more

Completion of this training also entitles each student to receive a free voucher to schedule an exam at a Pearson VUE Center to become a Spring Certified Professional

Register Now and use the discount code: lastminute15

For a Core Spring Training near you please click here for the schedule

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